Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Farrow Family
(I have the cutest Grandson)

I finally know what it is like to be a Grandma!  Henry David Farrow is the cutest grandchild ever! Well, so far.  I was lucky enough to be there while Jessica was in labor and for the delivery.  It was an amazing experience.  I have to say that it is hard to watch your daughter go through this experience.  I had a knot in my stomach the whole time knowing what lied ahead for her.  But I came away from this whole experience with so much love and respect for her and her ability to stay focused and committed to delivering that cute little boy naturally.  That was what she wanted to do and she did it.  I could never do it!  I also gained so much love and respect for John.  What a great husband he is.  So thoughtful, loving and kind.  He gave Jessica the support she needed to make this incredible sacrifice of herself in order to give birth to cute little Henry.  They are going to make the most wonderful parents!  I loved my time there being with Jessica and  John, sewing for the nursery, but most of all snuggling with my very first grandchild.  Hopefully there will be lots and lots more of the precious babies in our family.  Thank you Jessica and Johns for letting me be a part of this very special day!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Little Girl is having a Baby!

It is hard to believe that MY daughter is having a baby.  Not only a baby but my first grandchild.  In the past I knew this day would come too fast . . . and yet in the past couple of years it could not have come soon enough.  Thanks to all of my friends who have bragged about how it is the most wonderful thing in the whole world.  So while I waited patiently I just stalked other peoples little kids and begged their parents to let me watch them.  I would even put pictures up on my fridge of them and when people would ask about my cute little friends I would tell them they were "My Fake Grandkids."  But not any more.  My very first real one is coming in a week or so! I look forward to that moment when I see my daughter hold that brand new baby in her arms for the first time and see those tears of the most amazing joy and love one could ever feel for another human being.  A feeling one could never find words to explain except that you fall in love like you have never done before.
I remember feeling that way towards Jessica and never wanting it to end.  I could not love on her enough.  My days were spent holding her constantly.  I never wanted to put her down.  I knew once I did, the day would come when I would have to let her go.  I was never one of those Moms who was excited for their kids to go back to school.  I wanted mine to stay home and play with me.  Over the years I offered to build on to our house so that each of the girls would never have to leave.  They could stay there with me forever along with their families.  But they never liked that idea quite as much as I did.  My last ditch effort was to have their boyfriends sign a contract stating that if they were to get married he would not be able to take her out of state.  Blah!  I failed that one too.
I am just really excited to see Jessica and John with this new little baby who will change their lives forever and begin a new amazing journey together.

Love You So Much!


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Art project in Design from Spring 2012 Semester.  Took this picture of me and . . .

made this out of torn paper.  Looks like my hair is a crazy shower cap.  
(nothing new for me to have crazy hair)

I was so excited when we went to Disney World  to find this sign in Epcot.  The Corkrey's are from the county of Cork in Ireland.

This is my Goal!  No matter what is going on in my life - I will be Happy!

Monday, May 28, 2012

I have started a new chapter in my life.  At the young age of 53, I decided to go back to school and study graphic design/multimedia.  I was at first excited and scared at the same time.  Mostly scared that my brain would not function the way I needed it to and at first I was a little freaked out trying to remember what classes I had, at what time, and on what day.  I loved all my classes and felt like a sponge that just sucked it all up.  I could hardly wait the for next class to learn more.  I had no idea how competitive I was with myself in trying to get good grades.  I would stay up every night almost, until 2am working on homework.  It paid off in the end as I got 3 A's and 1 B+.  Not too shabby after 35 years.

I took 13 credit hours last semester (started out with 18 until reality set in) and this semester I will be taking 15 credit hours.  I know it is going to be a lot of work, but I really want to be able to take as many classes as I can and there are so many pre-requesits.  We will see how it goes.

I am really proud of my girls for going to college, especially while they are working.  I know it is really hard for them but I know they will be glad they did it while they are young and their brain still works.  They are amazing.